The art of documentary. The warmth of Winona.
FEBRUARY 9-16, 2025: Celebrating 20 Years!
The Frozen River Film Festival offers programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world. These programs provide a unique perspective on environmental issues, sustainable communities, adventure travel and sports, and diverse cultures while showcasing the art of documentary film. Our films often explore issues, concerns, and life’s successes that are usually not covered in the local media.
We connect our viewers with people at the heart of current events, organizations at the forefront of social change, and distinct cultures in an increasingly global community.
Our high-caliber documentary films feature interviews, exciting stories, or perspective on current affairs that will often captivate and engross the viewer. Films often hit home on a personal note for viewers. Films encourage attendees to learn more about an issue, volunteer with an organization, get outside, or help financially support a cause they believe in.
In addition, face-to-face Q&A sessions with filmmakers and producers are a rewarding bonus to our festival screenings Q&A sessions with the filmmaker or producer. This happens immediately after showing of the film when the audience has the story fresh in its mind. Viewers then delve into details of how the film was made, what the film’s characters are doing now, or how the celebrity found inspiration to make the documentary. Those follow-ups keep the audience engaged. Periodic workshops and forums throughout the year can keep viewers engaged as well.
An insider’s view
Why Everybody Loves Winona, a blog:
Some Like it Frozen
Frozen river by the frozen river
It’s showtime in Winona