Located across from Prairie Island Spillway
Off Leash Dog Park Rules/Regulations
For the protection and enjoyment of all dog park users, please observe these rules:
- Hours of Operation: Sunrise to Sunset.
- Enter at your own risk – City of Winona is not responsible for any damages, stolen property, or injuries.
- NO glass containers, NO food, and NO smoking inside the dog park.
- Dogs must be leashed when entering/exiting the gate and outside the fenced area.
- Handlers must carry a leash at all times – dogs must wear collar and identification.
- Electric collars, prong training collars, or choke chains not to be worn inside the park.
- No personal dog toys from home allowed; eliminates possessive problems.
- Maximum of two (2) dogs per user per visit.
- Handlers assume full responsibility for their dog(s).
- NO children under the age of 10 – all other minors must be accompanied by an adult.
- Clean up after your dog and dispose of appropriately.
- Professional dog trainers may not use the area to conduct business.
- No dogs can dig holes – owners must fill immediately.
- Puppies must be at least 4 months old.
- Dogs must have visible current vaccination tags and current dog license.
- Handlers must be in verbal control and within sight of their dogs at all times.
- Nobody allowed in the dog park while mowing the area.
- No female dogs in heat (season).
- Aggressive dog behavior is not allowed – picks fights, attacks, or bites.
- If aggressive, leash immediately and give a “time out” in a vehicle or walk leashed dog outside the park.
- Several aggressive incidents with another dog – the dog should be leashed and taken home for the day.
- If serious aggressiveness on two or more occasions, stop coming to park until after correcting the behavior with an animal behaviorist or trainer.
- If you witness aggressive behavior, calmly approach the owner and let them know your concerns.