Winona-Dakota Gathering 2024: Back to the Land
October 5 - October 6
Winona-Dakota Gathering & Remember Our Loved Ones Memorial: Oct. 5-6, 2024
Celebrating the growing relationship between the people of Winona and the people of the Dakota Nations.
The Winona-Dakota Gathering aims to celebrate Dakota traditional and contemporary ways of life on Dakota homelands. The mission statement of the Winona-Dakota Unity Alliance is “creating sustainable alliances among Indigenous Nations and the Winona community with a mutual understanding that we are all related.”
The Winona-Dakota Gathering is an annual event for families of indigenous and local populations and around the region. It is held in Unity Park at the East end of Lake Winona.
Everyone welcome!
Host Drum: Hoka Hey
Spiritual Leader: Arnold Williams
MC: Butch Felix
Veteran Honor Guard: Gordon Weston Lodge
Saturday, October 5
7:30am: Sunrise Ceremony
9am: Veteran Flag Raising
10am-Noon: Community Activities: Tipi Raising, Talk Circle, Community Art and more
1pm: Grand Entry–Drum & Dance (All Drums & Dancers Welcome.) Community giveaways and spot dances
5pm: Evening Unity Feast
Sunday, October 6
7:30am: Sunrise Ceremony
9am: Veteran Flag Raising
10am-2pm: Remember Our Loved Ones Gathering
- In partnership with the Indigenous Peoples Task Force
- A memorial project to remember loved ones lost to opioids or alcohol.
- Speakers from 10am-2pm will include topics of recovery, personal stories, music & family advocates
- Box Lunch
- Youth Poster Contest
- Gift cards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
- Inviting youth to create a positive, original substance abuse prevention poster
*Event times are tentative
Free on-site camping: No RV Hookups.
No alcohol, drugs, or firearms allowed.