Dressed for Company

If you’ve ever been within 50 miles of Winona in the fall, than you know [...]


Putting the Epic in Epicenter

Let’s face it, Winona is kind of the epicenter of everything that’s good about the [...]


Thanks for the memories~

When you live in a town for long enough, everywhere you go conjures up a [...]


The lost blog – Shout-outs to a fine town

So I’ve been sitting here wondering why one of my flowing missives was not showing [...]


Patio heaven

As summer draws into fall I am especially appreciative of a growing commodity in Winona, [...]

Life on the fringe…

This town is so cool. Everybody has Fridays, right? Yeah, big deal. Winona takes that [...]


A Shakespeare love affair~

So I was at a little shindig this week at the Winona County History Center [...]


Winona loves its history…

It’s beginning to look a lot like spring out there, and you know what that [...]

A Picasso dream come true~

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of the Minnesota Marine Art Museum… it’s a [...]

Why people move to Winona…

I came to Winona from the Twin Cities almost exactly 16 years ago, and at [...]

What is so great about Winona?

Well let me tell you. People drove all the way from the Twin Cities last [...]

The legacy of Winona

I love it when people have good ideas. I extra love it when those good [...]

Rock on, Tourism

Sixty five million dollars. That, friends, is a big chunk of change. It’s also how [...]

A big ‘wow’ at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum

I went to a shindig at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum yesterday, enticed by curator [...]

Eat your heart out, New York City

So I just came back from a trip to New York City and all I [...]