Café Congo: “From America to Japan” Concert

First Congregational Church 161 W. 6th St., Winona, MN

Local pianist Dr. Meredith Mihm has invited a few friends to join her for a very special concert benefiting WIFA (the Winona International Friendship Association), ahead of the Winona area students’ trip to Misato, Japan in April. Flutists Heidi Bryant and Dr. Rachel Haug, singer Valeria Kishkunas, and clarinetist Frank Bures will assist Dr. Mihm [...]

Café Congo: Twin Cities Storyteller Sufian Zhemukhov

First Congregational Church 161 W. 6th St., Winona, MN

Twin Cities storyteller, Sufian Zhemukhov, will present at Café Congo on April 6, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. The performance is at the First Congregational Church of Winona. There will be a free will offering and refreshments following the performance. Sufian Zhemukhov is an award-winning author and performer. His solo shows have been featured off-Broadway and nationwide. NPR presented his show Flirting Like [...]