Minnesota Monthly Magazine Features the Sanborn Canoe Co Mini Painted Artisan Paddles in Gift Guide

Visit Winona Sanborn Canoe Co Mini Painted Artisan Paddles

This year’s Minnesota Monthly magazine gift guide is a heartfelt tribute to both the genuine and imaginary figures of Minnesota who continue to captivate our hearts. With these presents and innovations, we raise a toast to the likes of Paul Bunyan, Betty Crocker, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Judy Garland, and Charles Schulz’s iconic Snoopy character, capturing the essence of their personalities.

Inspired by Fitzgerald’s words in “The Great Gatsby,” we usher in the holiday season with elegance: “This is my Midwest — not the wheat fields or prairies or forgotten Swedish towns, but the exhilarating return of trains from my youth, the glow of street lamps and jingling sleigh bells in the frosty darkness, and the silhouettes of holly wreaths cast by illuminated windows onto the snow. I am a part of that.”

Winona’s own Sanborn Canoe Co had their Mini Painted Artisan Paddles featured in the ‘Paul Bunyan’ section of the gift guide. The Sanborn Canoe website states that a mini painted artisan paddle is the perfect way to add a splash of color and love for the outdoors to your junior explorers room. Crafted by hand from premium woods with an oil finish, then painted, these paddles can be used both on the wall at home and in the water. The small blade size ensures they can’t slow you down too much when paddling backwards.

original post at Minnesota Monthly magazine