WKBT News 8 Covers Winona Arts Center AI Art Exhibit

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The Winona Arts Center in Minnesota is currently showcasing an art exhibit titled “Conversations: The Collaboration of an Artist and an Artificial Intelligence.” The exhibition, featuring the work of artist Morro Schreiber, explores the creative synergy between human artistic sensibility and artificial intelligence (AI). The Art Center inaugurated the exhibit with an opening reception on a Sunday afternoon.

Morro Schreiber, a lifelong artist and Winona resident for the past 18 years, has embraced the use of midJourney AI for over a year to produce the artworks displayed in the exhibit. Schreiber clarified that while the content, feeling, and style of the images are her own, she employed midJourney AI to generate and refine the visual output, resulting in a collaborative effort between human creativity and machine intelligence.

The artist revealed that she utilized midJourney AI’s style tuners to design the aesthetic elements, and the AI was responsible for generating more than 45,000 images that form part of the exhibition. Schreiber expressed enthusiasm for AI in art, encouraging those who might be hesitant about AI’s role in the creative process to explore its potential. She believes that AI has “beautiful potential” and offers a unique avenue for artistic expression.

The exhibit at the Winona Arts Center serves as a platform to showcase the evolving relationship between artists and AI, challenging preconceptions and demonstrating the possibilities that arise when human creativity collaborates with advanced technological tools. It provides viewers with a glimpse into the fusion of traditional artistic practices with cutting-edge AI technologies, encouraging a broader conversation about the intersection of art and artificial intelligence.

original post at WKBT News 8