KSMQ Public Television’s Off 90 Features Bloedow Bakery

Visit Winona KSMQ Off 90 Bloedow Bakery

KSMQ Public Television’s Off 90 latest episode featured Bloedow Bakery, a century-old doughnut shop, standing as a beloved institution in Winona, Minnesota, renowned for its loyal customer base and traditional recipes. Despite long lines, customers eagerly await their turn, relishing the experience with laughter and conversation. The shop’s longevity owes much to its dedicated patrons, both locals and tourists, who sustain it through all seasons. Behind the scenes, bakers diligently prepare doughnuts and bread, utilizing vintage equipment, including a centerpiece oven from 1937. Each day sees hundreds of dozens of doughnuts and bread produced, with meticulous attention to quality and consistency. The bakery’s rich history spans generations, beginning with Ernest and Mary Bloedow in 1924 and passing through familial hands until 2004. The current owners, Hugh and Mary Polus, maintain tradition, ensuring that the essence of Bloedows remains unchanged. As the bakery celebrates its centenary, it plans a year-long celebration, keeping patrons intrigued with surprises. Customers near and far attest to the exceptional quality of Bloedows’ yeasted doughnuts, affirming its status as a local treasure. In the words of one enthusiast, “Nothing will beat them,” encapsulating the enduring charm and significance of this iconic establishment.