Sandbar Storytelling Festival offers Storytelling Classes in addition to the SSF Storytelling Circle

Visit Winona Sandbar Storytelling Festival Terry Visger

The Sandbar Storytelling Festival (SSF) is once again offering storytelling classes, in addition to its already established storytelling circle.

Taught by Terry Visger, the storytelling classes will be offered once a month on the following Saturdays, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 9, April 13, and May 11. Each class is two hours, starting at 10 a.m. (except for the Feb. 10 session, which begins at 9 a.m.) Participants must be at least 15 years of age. The cost for the five sessions is $50. All sessions will take place at the Winona Arts Center, 228 East Fifth St. Register online or call 507-703-6001.

Visger is an educator and professional storyteller, who has been telling stories most of her life. Visger tells stories to all ages, from preschoolers to senior citizens. She has also conducted workshops in the use of storytelling for teachers and for businesses to help them improve communication within their business, as well as with their customers. She was on the board of the Northlands Storytelling Network for two terms and is currently on the board of the Wisconsin Storytellers Get Together and the Bluff Country Tale Spinners, a La Crosse-area guild. Visger has been a part of the La Crosse Storytelling Festival since it began and is currently chairperson.

The SSF Storytelling Circle will continue to meet once a month on the same Saturdays as the classes (listed above) and will convene at the First Congregational Church of Winona. The circle will be led by Michael Karsten.