A whole lot of Shakespeare going on~

Oh.My.Gosh. Shakespeare fever.  Winona has it, and there is no cure except for a seat [...]

My favorite secret

I’ve been holding out on you. After all these months I haven’t told you about [...]

To be a Winonan

A funny thing happens sometimes when one is standing around the buffet table chatting (besides [...]


Countdown to Steamboat Days…

First, the winner from last week’s drawing… *drum roll* is Amy Burke! Now, those of [...]


Rain, rain, go away…

Yuk. Sorry Mother Nature, and flowers and plants and trees, but I hate it when [...]


Rock on, Tourism

Sixty five million dollars. That, friends, is a big chunk of change. It’s also how [...]

Quintessentially Winona…

I was talking to a young fella who occasionally visits family in Winona, and by [...]

Yo-Yo Ma is going to love Winona too…

You know I’ve been dying to write about this… Yo-Yo Ma, as in the undisputed [...]

A big ‘wow’ at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum

I went to a shindig at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum yesterday, enticed by curator [...]

Eat your heart out, New York City

So I just came back from a trip to New York City and all I [...]

The birds are back in town…

So I woke up this morning with the song, “The Boys Are Back In Town” [...]

Hellooooooo Shakespeare!

Now listen, those of you who are about to stop reading because you think this [...]

A Homecoming for the Dakota

Friday morning I had breakfast with a very hard working group of people doing something [...]

Thank you Winona 360!

I got a call last week from a young lady named Christina McDaniel, a Winona [...]

The Thaw Is On

If you live anywhere south of, say Des Moines, 30 degrees has probably never been [...]

Eagle Watching in Winona

The other day I was driving south from Minneapolis towards Winona on Highway 61 when [...]

Winona = Wine Country

I like wine. In fact, I like wine enough to have visited California’s famed wine [...]

It’s show time in Winona

The somewhat aptly named Frozen River Film Festival starts Wednesday, and I’m excited to see [...]

Thanks for visiting!

You know, as a travel writer I’ve found that there are very few places that truly [...]