Does Winona have bike trails?

Winona has a 5.5 mile paved biking and walking path around Lake Winona. It is a flat route and encompasses the natural beauty of the bluffs and native species.

The Flyway Trail is an 8 mile Loop that connects Winona and Wisconsin and the trailhead is located in Winona at Levee Park. It crosses over the interstate bridge to Latsch Island and again crosses over the John Latsch Historic bridge into Aghaming Park in Wisconsin which leads to the Flyway Trail bridge that crosses over the railroad tracks that connects to Hwy. 35/54 to Buffalo City Park.

The Mississippi River Trail Bikeway  which runs through Minnesota and northern Iowa also winds through Winona on city roads and state highways.

The City of Winona has bikeways for those who want to ride within the city limits.


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